Home care routine for your beard, You should Follow!

We all know that morning routine: brush your teeth, spit shine and go. But what if one day you start growing a beard?

It's time for an entirely new set of instructions on caring for it without wasting any more precious minutes in front of the mirror or searching through bottles until something sticks!

We all have those days when our morning routine goes haywire. Whether it's because you're growing a beard or just trying to get ready in time for work, there are so many things that can throw us off track- from not knowing how long certain steps take (like brushing!)and then having no idea what product would best suit your needs!

But worry no more; we've got 5 easy steps to help you style your beard easily at home, even if you don't have a beard grooming kit.

Brush your beard:

To start off your morning, you should brush out any knots or dirt from under your beard before shampooing. This will help with its cleanliness between washes when you shower each day!


You can use either boar bristles if they're dry enough to handle at this point. But make sure it's not too rough since people usually have sensitive skin around their faces/nose area, so try using something like rubber dampened brushes instead for gentle movement throughout every section.

Trim your beard:

The first thing you should do before taking a shower is trim your beard. This isn't about getting rid of all the hair on top but rather just keeping it clean-looking by cutting around the edges and shaving specific areas like the mustache line or neckline.

The second step would be removing any excess length from wherever applicable (maintainable). If this sounds daunting, go see someone who knows what they are doing; however, if it's something simple, such as maintaining growth patterns instead of shortening certain parts through overcropping, check out some tutorials online!

Wash your beard:

Your beard is not just pesky facial hair. It's also prone to vagaries of everyday life, like getting dirtier than other parts of your body and requiring extra attention!

Unlike hair which we can usually wash or clean with soap and water, beards need more care because they're touched continuously throughout the day.

Use beard oils and bams:

Take a small amount of your favorite beard oil or balm and rub it into the skin under your nose.

Unlike thick moisturizers, oils are light enough to go through hairs without clogging them up, so you can still have a clean-shaven face while getting all this amazing moisture from within!

Brush and style your beard:

Use the boar brush to spread the product evenly across your beard with gentle, long strokes. Make sure you go against the grain and side-to-side to cover everything!

It's time for shaping when all of these steps come together in one final result – whether it be a neat cut or an unruly article depends on what sort of look you want. After applying oils/balms using an old-style bottle, simply grab hold with one hand at either end whilst shaping around whatever shape suits best.


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